Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

We had a fun Halloween this year! Audrey dressed up as a mermaid and Gus dressed up as a dinosaur and a dragon. We got him a costume that ended up being a bit too small to he wore the costume we got from Billy.

Before Halloween, we went to the Halloween party at school. Gus did a candy corn footprint and Audrey played lots of games and ate tons of popcorn (her favorite!).

Dragon costume was a bit too small!

One of Audrey's favorite teachers, Miss Bobbie
Then on Halloween, we went to see Gaga and Papa to show off their costumes and then we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. We hit quite a few houses this year. Gus didn't get any candy but had lots of fun watching sissy!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Gus is Nine Months Old!

I think Gus has changed more this month than any other month. He's going through a growth spurt and seems to get bigger overnight! He continues to be really happy and laid back. The teachers at school always tells us how happy he is. He's really adjusted well to school, thank goodness! Makes going back to work so much easier.

He's really starting to talk more and more. He says bababa, dada, sometimes mama, but not quite as much. He has also started squealing and laughing, mostly at Audrey. He could just watch her all day and giggle. He loves is when she runs around and jumps up and down. Anytime she walks in the room or starts talking to him, he just lights up! They love to play on the floor together and roll around. Which leads me to another development - moving around! He's not quite crawling yet, but he's starting to scoot when he's trying to get toys or get closer to sissy. He also has learned to log roll to things.

He's still struggling a bit in the sleep department. He does a good job of going to bed around 7:00, but he almost always wakes up once during the night to eat. He has slept through the night before, so we know he can do it, he just doesn't want to.

We haven't made too much progress on trying new foods. We've discovered that he loves yogurt, but only if its fruit-flavored. I got him some unsweetened and he hated it. He seems to have a bit of a sweet tooth! We also found some purees that he likes. Next step is to try some finger foods. I think he'll like it because he is really grabby right now - wants to get his hands on everything!

Other loves include playing in the exersaucer, being outside and reading books with sister.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Annual Pumpkin Patch Trip

Going to the pumpkin patch has become one of our family traditions. We had a great time as usual and the weather was perfect! Audrey was still not feeling great (recovering from strep throat), so we didn't stay too long, but she still had a great time! And this was Gus' first time and even though he couldn't do the fun stuff with sissy yet, he still had a great time and was his usual smiley self! He loves being outside.

Zip line fun!

Happy as a clam!

Dada even got in on the fun (not pictured - Mama going down the slide)