Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10 Months Old!

Audrey is 10 months old today! I can't believe that we're going to be planning her first birthday soon. I was in a meeting at work the other day, and a co-worker was talking about how her daughter was now a freshman in high school and she couldn't believe that she would be going off to college in just a few years. I started to tear up...right there at work! Guess I'm going to be one of those moms that cries at the drop of the hat and embarrasses her children...sorry in advance, Audrey!

Audrey is getting bigger by the day! She has officially outgrown her 6 month clothes and her 9 month clothes are getting a little small! She is still crawling around everywhere. She can pull up in her crib, but hasn't anywhere else. Scott thinks she'll be walking before the end of October, but I think it will be closer to her first birthday. She still doesn't have any teeth, but I keep thinking they are coming any minute now. She chews on everything and I think I can feel one starting to push through. Since she doesn't have teeth, she is struggling with eating anything but purees. This week, we tried beans - kidney and refried - and she hated them both! She will eat chunks of banana though. We also gave her meat for the first time - it was a sweet potato/chicken puree and she liked it. Her new favorite though is yogurt! She loves it! We've tried vanilla, blueberry and peach and she loves it all!
 Now that her hair is getting longer, it just keeps getting curlier, just like her daddy's. In fact, Scott's nephew Ryan said that Audrey looked like him when we saw them last weekend!
Daddy might be due for a haircut!

You know what I always say...
a girl just can't have too much animal print in her wardrobe!
I think Audrey agrees...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day weekend! I was able to take Friday off work, so I spent 4 whole days with Miss Audrey - it was wonderful! And Scott only had to work on Sunday, so we got to have him home for the majority of the weekend, too! We did a lot of relaxing and spending time outside - we are loving this fall-like weather! We spent some time with Scott's brother Brian and his wife and Scott's grandma on Saturday. We were going to take a final swim for the summer in their pool, but it rained so we couldn't. :-(

Then on Labor Day, we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead and met up with my parents and my sister and her family. We had never been to Deanna Rose and I was pretty impressed! I'm sure we'll take many trips back there as Audrey gets older. There were a ton of people (and goats) there, but the weather was amazing! We only stayed for about an hour, but that was enough for Audrey to check out all of the animals and people watch a bit. I've learned that when we put Audrey in new situations, it takes her some time to warm up to things. She's not scared or upset by it, but she's just kind of quiet and likes to observe and slowly take everything in. By the time we were getting ready to leave, she was talking to the animals and trying to grab them - she loved it!
Daddy & Audrey, getting ready to check out the ducks

With Mandy, Andy, Meredith and Gwendolyn

Audrey trying to pet a goat
(This place is goat city - I've never seen so many goats in all my life!)
Mama & Audrey - she was about ready for her nap by this point!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Crawling Everywhere!

My brown-eyed girl
Audrey has been crawling now for about two weeks or so and she's loving every minute! She's always so busy exploring everything. She loves to crawl to the back door and look out the window, just like the dogs! Speaking of dogs, I was really worried how they might react to her once she started crawling. Brody has been great! She'll crawl up to him and pull his hair, grab his feet or his nose and he doesn't seem to mind. In fact, yesterday she crawled up to him and he immediately rolled over onto his back in submission - what a good dog! Oscar, now he's a different story. He kind of ignores her, which of course makes Audrey even more intrigued by him. So she'll crawl up to him and he'll just kind of stare her down. If she gets too close or touches him, he'll give her a warning growl. We'll need to keep those two separated...

Pensively looking out the window.
With crawling comes discipline! We've been trying to teach Audrey what she can and can't touch in the house and what "no" means...I think she's figuring it out.
Other new developments - assisted walking! She loves to hold onto your hands and walk. She is getting really good. I think it's only a matter of time before she's walking everywhere (and getting into everything!). She has also figured out clapping. For a while, she would hit my hand with her hand, but couldn't quite hit her own hand. Now she's clapping all the time - so cute! She continues to be a very happy and easy-going baby - we are so lucky and blessed! I just pray that it continues!