Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day weekend! I was able to take Friday off work, so I spent 4 whole days with Miss Audrey - it was wonderful! And Scott only had to work on Sunday, so we got to have him home for the majority of the weekend, too! We did a lot of relaxing and spending time outside - we are loving this fall-like weather! We spent some time with Scott's brother Brian and his wife and Scott's grandma on Saturday. We were going to take a final swim for the summer in their pool, but it rained so we couldn't. :-(

Then on Labor Day, we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead and met up with my parents and my sister and her family. We had never been to Deanna Rose and I was pretty impressed! I'm sure we'll take many trips back there as Audrey gets older. There were a ton of people (and goats) there, but the weather was amazing! We only stayed for about an hour, but that was enough for Audrey to check out all of the animals and people watch a bit. I've learned that when we put Audrey in new situations, it takes her some time to warm up to things. She's not scared or upset by it, but she's just kind of quiet and likes to observe and slowly take everything in. By the time we were getting ready to leave, she was talking to the animals and trying to grab them - she loved it!
Daddy & Audrey, getting ready to check out the ducks

With Mandy, Andy, Meredith and Gwendolyn

Audrey trying to pet a goat
(This place is goat city - I've never seen so many goats in all my life!)
Mama & Audrey - she was about ready for her nap by this point!

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