Monday, June 20, 2011

7 Months Old!

Ok, it's official...I've become a slacker on the blog. It's just been hard to find the time...after being at work all day on the computer, the last thing I want to do when I get home is get on the computer. I'm still holding up my promise of "weekly-ish" but just have to make sure that doesn't turn into monthly-ish!

So much to report since my last post! Let's start with food. First of all, we are now fully weaned. I was pumping for the first few weeks while back at work and was slowly starting to nurse her less and less. We were down to once a day and then she started refusing! I think she must have been getting the milk faster from the bottle and decided she preferred that, so it made my decision to stop a whole lot easier. I'm really glad I was able to do it for 6 months though!

We've been trying to introduce more foods. So far, Audrey has tried carrots and sweet potatoes and loves both. I wanted to introduce green vegetables to see how she would like them. I've been making all the food so far and have been trying to use organic veggies, but unfortunately we don't live close to an organic market, so I've just been making do with what they have at our Hen House until I can make a trip to Whole Foods. As you can imagine, it's been slim pickins for good organic produce at Hen House and Hy-Vee. So I bought some of the Gerber organic sweet peas. She hated them. Then Scott found some organic broccoli at Hy-Vee. Hated it even MORE (if that's possible). Of course we got her reaction on video. This is her eating the broccoli and her reaction to the peas was about the same...pretty hilarious! I felt bad like I was torturing her, so I only made her take two bites. Since our green veggie experience, I've gone back to carrots and she has now decided that she doesn't like those either! Guess it's just sweet potatoes for this girl. We're going to try some fruits this week which I'm sure she'll love.

Eating oatmeal with prunes

Next new development - sitting up! She is officially sitting up like a big girl on her own. She's been slowly building up to longer periods sitting up on her own and today Scott said she sat and played for about 45 minutes, so it's official! She still hasn't been able to get to seated position on her own, we have to sit her up. I'm not sure how that happens, I guess she'll just figure it out. This also means that she can now use the high chair, which is pretty exciting! We've also tried the exer-saucer, but her legs are way too short and aren't even close to touching the floor, so it's pretty uncomfortable for her (guess she got her mommy's legs - darn it!).

At least she's trying to smile now,
but can't seem to keep her eyes open for the camera!

Such a big girl!
Another first - the pool! Uncle Brian and Aunt Laura had everyone over last weekend for a birthday/early Father's Day party. It was a little chilly, so we didn't put her swimsuit on her, but she put her feet in the water. She seemed to like it! We have her swimsuit and a floatie device ready to go for the next time. I'm sure she'll love it!
Fun in the sun with Daddy!

First time in the pool!

Loves to be the center of attention!
Playing with her cousins, Babka, Aunt Crystal and Daddy

Finally, an update on sleep. She continues to be a great sleeper at night. She goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:00 and wakes up around 7:00. She's still taking 3-4 catnaps throughout the day. Recently, she has decided that she doesn't like to be rocked before naps and bedtime. The squirms and even gets a little fussy if you try. This is actually a very good thing since it's important that they learn to go to sleep on their own, but selfishly I miss that extra time I got to spend with her before bed time. So now she just talks and plays for a while in her crib and drifts off to sleep. She also is not liking the pacifier anymore, her thumb suits her just fine!

So there you have it...the life of a happy 7 month old! I feel grateful every day to have such a healthy and happy baby - we are truly blessed!

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