Saturday, August 20, 2011

9 Months Old!

Audrey is 9 months old today! She is really starting to seem more like a little girl and less like a baby which is so fun, but sad at the same time...she is growing up so fast! We had our doctor's appointment and here are her official stats:

Weight: 17 lbs 1.5 oz (23%)
Length: 26.5 in (22%)
Head: 80%

The doctor said she looks great! She gave her a tongue depressor to play with and was extremely impressed with her hand-eye coordination.

This week she discovered how much fun it is to sit up in her crib during nap time instead of napping. She also wants to stand up all the time! She loves to hold onto the chair, coffee table, or ottoman and just stand and look around. And the latest development within the last few days - crawling! She has only gone short distances, but she's definitely on the move now - time to baby proof the house!

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