Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 14 & 15

So remember last time when I said Audrey was sleeping through the night and things were getting easier? Well, I think I jinxed myself! We've had kind of a rough patch this week with our sleep habits. She was back to waking up twice per night! I think she had a little bit of a cold and it threw off her sleep habits. We are starting to get back on track...last night she slept for 9 hours straight and then went back to bed (still sleeping as we speak!). The thing that is frustrating is that just when you think you've figured out her schedule, it changes. Week to week. This is definitely teaching me to be more flexible and just try to go with the flow (and stop reading so many baby books!). Another lesson learned - if she falls asleep in the carseat, let her be! We went over to Nana and Papa's for dinner and she hadn't napped much all day. She fell asleep in the car on the way there around 6 and slept the entire time and didn't wake up until we got home at 10:00! Nana and Papa were disappointed that they didn't get to play with her, but they know how important sleep is!

Other changes to report include better head control - she is holding her head up 90 degrees during tummy time now! We've still been trying to get her to laugh and she has just started to "squeal in delight" - apparently this is another milestone! She is much more expressive and really loves to read books. Another thing we just discovered about Audrey...she appears to have curly hair like her daddy. This week, the sides started curling up so after her last bath, I let it air dry and didn't brush it and voila! Curls! Her eyes are also starting to look more and more brown each day...just like her mommy's! :-)

Crazy hair!
 We had a few fun outings. Last Tuesday, we met up with Laura and her son Henry, Monic (aka TeeTee MoMo) and Emily (aka Aunt Em). We went to happy hour at Grand Street Cafe. It wasn't so happy for Audrey though. She was really tired and fighting sleep, but finally fell asleep in my arms. So as usual, I ate with one hand and then left! It was so great to see the gals though!
Monic and Henry with Emily and Audrey

On Wednesday, we went to Hallmark to visit! It was so great to see everyone! We went during lunch and then I went to see my new office (my department moved while I was out). Audrey did pretty well and enjoyed meeting my coworkers! We convinced Daddy to come with us, so he was a big help!

This weekend we went to the Fry's for dinner. We got there just in time to see Garrett before he went to bed - Audrey was happy to see him! He is 9 months now and crawling everywhere - what a cutie!

Scott and Audrey with Ryan and Garrett

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